Here’s what happened. My parents received a telephone call from a very good friend of theirs from KL. This lady is a millionaire and I am pretty sure she is more interested in helping others than to make money. She said that a friend of hers was flying over to KK to meet them about a product which she totally vouched for. “Oh no! Not MLM again” cried my Dad. My parents, especially my Dad is very much against MLM business. He ceased being active in such business over 10 years ago. He was very reluctant to meet this lady but was inclined to do so because of my parents’ good rapport with this Millionaire lady.
Naturally, the lady came on the appointed time and started doing the demo. Both my parents were very intrigue. They couldn’t believe their eyes! This is how we end up being the proud owner of the Quantum Pendant.
My parents made $ sales within 24 hours! This product is a sure winner. You don’t have to sell the product…it sells itself!. The Friends who saw the demo wanted to buy it right away!
My review: "I am a newbie in golf, thus I'm lack of balance and accuracy when making a swing and even holding the club. After wearing the pendant, my swing is balanced and my hands are not shaky. And I don’t get the aches all over my body as I used to have after a game of golf. My appetite increases. My diet is balanced. I am extremely underweight for my age so I think that explains my increase in appetite. LOL! Normally I would stay awake till 2 or 3 AM because I couldn’t sleep and I got very tired in the morning. After wearing this pendant, I can sleep peacefully until morning."
FusionExcel's Quantum Pendant is made from natural minerals that are fused and structurally bonded together at a molecular level. It produces scalar energy that helps to enhance the body’s biofield. The Quantum Pendant promotes positive flow of energy and helps to maintain energy balance. It helps to restore energy that has become weak in the body. By restoring the energy balance in the body this pendant helps one to maintain health and well-being.USAGE
Wear it on a chain or carry it in your pocket. The scalar energy from the pendant works outwardly and within the body. Out-wardly scalar energy enhances the body’s biofield. Inwardly it works to facilitate cell permeability and thereby enhances the many physiological functions of the cells in the body.
- Reduces inflammation
- Promotes unclumping of cells
- Enhances circulation
- Enhances immune and endocrine systems
- Has the ability to destroy viruses and bacteria
- Enhances cellular nutrition and detoxification
- Enhances cellular permeability
- Increases energy
- Helps to protect DNA from damage
- Helps to retard the ageing process
- Helps to fight cancer cells
- Strengthens the body’s biofield preventing
electro-magnetic waves from affecting one’s health- Increases focus and concentration
Demonstration Videos:
Video Site 1 - Fusion Excel Canada
Video Site 2 - Fusion Excel Malaysia
Video Site 3

If you are interested and would like to know more or/and make a purchase, please kindly contact our stockist in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
Gomes Promotion
Lot 12, 1st Floor
Likas Square Commercial Centre
+6019 822 7929
+6013 868 0809
Stockist Website
Lot 12, 1st Floor
Likas Square Commercial Centre
+6019 822 7929
+6013 868 0809
Stockist Website
If you are still skeptical about this pendant, I understand. 'Cos I was too until I tried it on myself, then I really saw the wonder of it! Come have a test first then make up your mind! You'll be amazed! :)
If you are still skeptical about this pendant, I understand. 'Cos I was too until I tried it on myself, then I really saw the wonder of it! Come have a test first then make up your mind! You'll be amazed! :)
I tagged you :]
hey.. i saw tat pendant round yur neck wen we met! but i din notice tat it was da quantum pendant.. actually my mum was wearing 1 too.. but i duno whether it's same like yurs or not, tho it looks rili similar..
hehe.. oh i see.. is ur mum still wearing it?
yup! of coz.. n btw, is the "My Review" is rili yur review?
cool! u shud too coz lotsa bad EM waves around us.. yup it is mine.. :D
wow!! haha..
i nvr tot u play golf!! lol!!! XD
well now u know :D bf also have one..hehe..
cool! :)
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